[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes for 03/25/13 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal boc.seneschal at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 22:50:18 CDT 2013

Event and Demo Reports


Gulf Wars - Weather was awesome. Fighting good. Genoveva learned  a lot.



Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Terpsichore (April. 6th, 2013) - Their Majesties will be in attendance.
Second time out of 19 Terps? Need help with retainers. Help with cooking for
their Majesties (see their Excellencies if interested). Volunteers needed to
help for general help would be appreciated. 


St. Cecilia at the Tower Event (May 18th, 2013) - No update


Spring Revel (April 28th Sunday) - On track. Info has been sent out. RSVP to
their Excellencies if interested in being a Baronial armored or rapier


Grand Tournament (Nov. 16th) -Web site updated.


12th night 2014 (Jan. 4th, 2014) - No update



Old Business


Funds back from Kingdom:  New budget proposal - APPROVED! This was our 3rd
of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process. As we received $931.88 back
from the settlement funds, the proposal was to donate $500 of this money
back to Kingdom. No issues and everyone agreed on the $500 amount.


Celtic Festival: APPROVED! The Saline Celtic Festival is happing again this
year on the weekend of July 13th. This was our 3rd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process for the Barony to support this demo. No funds
involved at this time.


UoM Student group/recruiting - As this will be an ongoing effort, we will
keep this on our meeting discussion agenda for the foreseeable future.



New Business


Herald office: New officer discussion:  Johannes has volunteered to take
over as the new Baronial herald from Simcha. This was our 1st of our 3
meeting discussion/approval process. There was a series of questions
proposed to him which he answered. Simcha will continue to support Johannes
as he learns the process. One question was does he plan to learn vocal
heraldry and he said he will try. He already has a deputy lined up. Another
question on how his internet access was and he replied "good". 


Marshal budget proposal: $400 for new items for the office:  This was our
1st of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process. Jasen has proposed the
following items for the marshal office and loaner gear that is desperately
needed. There was some discussion around the various items but overall was
agreed that this is a legitimate concern and is needed. 

2 new heather sheilds (Brannos) = $200 with edging
3 Padded coif @ $25 each (Zen Warrior) = $75
1 Dolly to transport loaner armor (already Purchased) = $20
Armor Repair kit for Marshall office:
1 MultiTool (Leatherman) = $20
1 tool box = $10
1 Ballpeen hammer = $10
Other Miscellaneous items = $65 (this would included things such as duct
tape, leather strips, cording, rivets, etc....)

Baronial Favors budget proposal: This was our 1st of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process. The Baroness proposed spending up to $125 on
materials needed to make new Baronial favors. These would make 100 favors in
all and these favors would remain part of the Excellencies office and if
there are any left would transition to the next Baron and/or Baroness to be
given out. We have the people and the patterns all set to go. Just need the
materials for fabric, embroidery thread and stabilizer. Everyone seemed fine
with this idea and proposal. 




-          Forester Grey: Throw weapons and pizza on Wednesday starting at

-          Vincent: If you are interested in a hardcopy of last year's
domesday, please see him.

-          Forester Grey: Order for combat arrow kits (from Northstar
Armory) going in soon. If you want to get in on the order and save on
shipping, please see him. 

-          Fighter's retreat this weekend starting Friday at 4:PM

-          Ladies retreat this weekend Saturday at Heidi's start time 11:AM.
See Her Excellency for more details. 

-          Their Excellencies met with the Cynnabar Pennsic group.
Pre-Pennsic meeting April 21st at Island Park where outdoor armored/rapier
practice is. If this is your first time to Pennsic and/or first time camping
with Cynnabar it is HIGHLY recommended you show up.


Officer Reports:


To be done later..








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