[Cynnabar] Scroll blank challenge ends this weekend

Hannah Schreiber hannahschreiber at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 7 09:18:24 CST 2013

Greetings all! 

Have you finished your scrolls for the scroll blank challenge?! Just a reminder that they are due delivered at Val Day this coming weekend. If you do not plan to attend, please let me know and I'll gladly transport any scrolls you have to the event. 

When you submit scrolls -- please write the name of the Barony on the back of them so they can count towards our points!

More info below if you need it.

Thanks everyone!


Middle Kingdom Scroll Blank Challenge - Coming to an end it is.
Tue Feb 5, 2013 9:29 pm (PST) . Posted by:
"Ian Green" mystborne
Do you hear that?

That is the sound of the 2nd Middle Kingdom Scroll Blank Challenge coming
to an end. Yes, this Saturday at Val Day I will be accepting scroll blanks
for the challenge.

So put your name on the back and the name of the group you wish to be
associated with. A group can be any amount of people who wish to be
defined as a group. It does not need to be a shire, barony or any official
SCA group.

Put some documentation on the back just enough to let us know where you got
the idea from and what century it was from. For example, "Book of Kells,
8th Century."

If you haven't yet but want to you can put the badge of an order on it.
Willows, Purple Frets, Red Company, Cavendish Knots and the like are in
high demand I am told.

And GET THEM TO VAL DAY. That way I can look at them, drool over them (I
promise to bring a handkerchief really I will,) and just plain be in awe of
the work the artists of the Midrealm do.

I will then be presenting these blanks to the Crown of the Middle Kingdom.

And a reminder, there is no scroll case challenge this year. After having
made a pile of scroll cases taller than Duke EikBrandr Solgyafi last year,
the supply is still good this year.

Thank you very much everyone who has been working on this challenge. Take
the time to put on the finishing touches, do one more blank, get stuff
written on the back and just plain be awesome.

Yours In Service,

THLord Ian the Green

"Veritatem resistit simplicitate"

My Blog http://scribescribb ling.wordpress. com/>
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