[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Mintues for 03/11/13 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal boc.seneschal at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 23:00:45 CDT 2013

I'm all out of witty tonight. But here is the meeting minutes from last
week's meeting where a smaller than normal (only 10) people showed up, most
likely to so several down at Gulf Wars.


In service,






Event and Demo Reports


Hawkland Moore had a arrow and string making workshop. About 18 students and
3-5 teachers. If you have a chance to go to one of these, do so, especially
for the dinner. Wonderful people.




Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Terpsichore (April. 6th, 2013)  - No updates.


St. Cecilia at the Tower Event (May 18th, 2013) - No updates.


Spring Revel (April 28th Sunday) - Nothing new. Letter from Their
Excellencies coming out soon on what it means to be a champion. Also hoping
to have some kids activities also.


Grand Tournament (Nov. 16th) - Application was accepted by the school.
Request mailed to Society corporate for liability insurance.


12th night 2014 (Jan. 4th, 2014) - No updates.


Old Business


Donation to Kelsey Museum - Proposal passed. We had our 3rd discussion of
our 3 meeting discussion/approval process and approve a $250 donation to the
Kelsey Museum as gratitude for all the great things they do and the warmth
and helpfulness they have shown Cynnabar during past visits. This will be
made as a general donation (as opposed to a specific fund). A letter will be
written from the Barony along with the donation explaining why we are
donating funds.


UoM Student group/recruiting - As this will be an ongoing effort, we will
keep this on our meeting discussion agenda for the foreseeable future.


New Business


Funds back from Kingdom: New budget proposal - This is our first of our 3
meeting discussion/approval process. As we received $931.88 back from the
settlement funds, the proposal was to donate this money back to Kingdom as
the Barony is in good  financial condition and can afford to donate back. It
was brought up that we have not donated anything to Kingdom in a while (a
total of only $300 last year I believe). It was also suggested that we could
split this, by donating an even $500 and keeping the rest. The current
proposal is for the full amount as we can always reduce the amount in the
end without having to restart the 3-meeting process (as we would have to do
if we increased the funds). 


Celtic Festival: The Saline Celtic Festival is happing again this year on
the weekend of July 13th. This is our first of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process for the Barony to support this demo. No funds
involved at this time.




No workshop as Randy is sick.


Wednesday night thrown weapons at Forester Grey's.


There will be archery this Sunday (which was later canceled due to weather)
for a St. Patrick's Day Snake Shoot. This would be a pre-opening day of the
range. Note the archery range/practice has not started yet.


Forester Grey has a Three Rivers order going in if you are interested.


Fighters retreat is at the end of the month. If you are interested in combat
archery or participating with the unit, come to the retreat.


Lady's retreat is the same weekend. There was some comment about "sodden
seamstresses", but we cannot confirm.







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