[Cynnabar] A&S Champion

Hannah Schreiber hannahschreiber at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 10 13:21:13 EST 2013

Greetings unto Our most talented populace in the great Barony of Cynnabar! 

The time is fast approaching where We will have to choose a new Champion to foster the Arts and Sciences within Our fine Barony. We look upon this event with many emotions -- both glad to begin a new season, and sadness of having to release Kasha Alekseeva, Our third Baronial A&S Champion, from service. A great sense of pride was shown not only by Us, but seen in the faces of many citizens of this Barony any time we witnessed her angelic voice during her tenure as Champion. We were well represented -- and We thank her for sharing her time and talent with everyone. 

As promised, here's more information about competing in the A&S Champions Competition which will be held at Wassail on December 14th. If this is something that is of interest of you...please read on...and RSVP!

The A&S Champion's Duties:
	* Represent and encourage the diverse arts and sciences for the Barony of Cynnabar within the group, regionally, and Kingdom-wide.
	* Work with the Baronial MOAS to encourage the diverse Arts within the Barony Display and teach locally, regionally and Kingdom-wide; Encourage and help others to do the same
	* Swear fealty

	* Maintain, repair, expand upon and wear with pride the Regalia of your station

	* Stand up in Court and attend your Baron/Baroness (Courts might be: Wassail, Terp, Pennsic, Grand Tourney, 12th Night, and others as able or requested) You are part of the retinue!

	* Advise the Baron/Baroness on successors, pay attention to those that might someday have your job.

	* Be an inspiration!

	* Have fun!

To compete you will need to:
	* Bring your A&S entry -- which can be either a display or in the form of performance. Items should be set up by 2:00 pm; Performances will be held during court ... which will be held after dinner.

	* Documentation is encouraged, but not required.

	* Please RSVP to their Excellencies if you plan to display or perform. (we need to reserve space)

Note on performances:
Performances should be at a reasonable length for a court audience -- if you have questions, please ask. Should you require music, please bring a cds/files, player, or musicians, as desired. 

Documentation, should you have any (it's not required), may be placed in display for advance review. See note below about groups.

This competition is open to individuals who are non-Laurels. Groups may perform to show an individual's art, if desired. For example: if someone writes a period-style song and would like to have it performed by a group, they would note that their composition skills are what's being entered into the competition. If you have questions regarding this sort of situation, please ask Us for clarification prior to the event! 

The Champion will be selected by Us, along with advice of the Laurels from the Barony and Our current A&S Champion, Kasha. The new Champion will be announced in court at Wassail that evening.

Please remember to RSVP so we can plan for table space and court time. Again, any questions or concerns, please email or ask!

In service,
Hannah and Tairdelbach
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