[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes 1/12/15 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Mon Jan 19 17:04:58 UTC 2015

Please find last week's meeting minutes below. Please think of a happy
thought and give yourself something to smile about. Please be careful when
you're out driving this winter season. Please understand that your
Seneschal, while awesome, is still human. Please someone make me stop
writing these pleadings.





Event and Demo Reports


Nicola's Gift Wrapping (Sat. Dec. 13th and Sun. Dec. 21st) - The choir sang
beautifully. New person, Eddard handled a shift by himself. It all went


12th Night - Lightly attended due to bad roads. Alexander taught a class.
Good event. Bad parking. Aaron and Jadwiga had their vigil. 


Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Winterfest demo (Jan. 13th, 2015) - Demo is tomorrow. We have people to


St. Cecilia at the Tower (April 24th - 26th, 2015) - We have a site


Spring Crown Tournament (May 23rd and 24th, 2015) - This should be official
next weekend at Kingdom 12th Night at the Curia meeting.



Old Business


Event Proposal: Terpsichore at the Tower (Mar. 7th, 2015) ($925 budget
including lunch) - No other issues or concerns. This is the 3rd of our 3
meeting discussion/approval process. APPROVED!



New Business


New officer for Chatelaine position: Daeg Ingen Aeda (called Daye) - Our
current Chatelaine, Genoveva has put out requests for those who want to
replace her as the Baronial Chatelaine. One person has thrown their name in
that feathered that. Daeg Ingen Aeda (called Daye). At the meeting she gave
some background and reasons she wants the position. Daye has already run a
demo for our group and has run a lot of other (non-SCA) events. She also
really likes teaching new people about things. She has acknowledged she will
need assistance with the web-site/portal side of things, but there are those
that will help. There were no issues or concerns by those in attendance.
This is the 1st of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process



Group Discussion


Forrester Grey is looking to put a request together for archery supplies
like backstop replacements. This is so we can replace some of the equipment
that we, as a barony, has been using at Dillon's. He will put together a
proposal of items (around $200) and bring it to a future meeting. 


Forrester Grey is looking towards the future at the Saline Celtic Fest demo.
Last year, the archery went over VERY big. However, our core archery team
running things (Dillon, Grey, Godaeth and Aeffe) was run ragged and needs
more assistance this upcoming year. To that end, the Barony will need
another 4 or more volunteers to help with the archery in order to make it
happen. Please keep that in mind as winter turns to spring and then the demo
is fast approaching. 


A request was made to use the Baronial archery backstop at Battle of the
Inland Seas. As this is an existing item we own, and no money is involved or
Baronial event support needed, it was determined that this request does not
need to follow the 3-meeting/approval process. As this equipment was bought
to be used, and we do not have any conflicting Baronial need for this, it
was agreed to support Battle of the Inland Seas event by lending the
backstop (to be transported, used and returned by our Forrester Grey).




Forrester Grey - Looking for a refrigerator or stove box and an old bathroom


Winterfest demo is tomorrow.


Looking for fabric, linen and/or wool donations for making Gold Key
donations. Please contact Genoveva if you have any.


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