[Cynnabar] Japanese workshop day update!

Ann Asplund via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Thu Sep 24 14:56:05 UTC 2015

Welcome to a Japanese persona craft day!

We are trying a new concept, instead of having weekly A&S evenings, we will
have monthly craft days.

The first one will be October the 3rd, and it will have a Japanese persona
theme. You do not have to have a Japanese persona to enjoy this day, you
just need to be curious about Japanese culture.

The preliminary schedule for the day start with a visit to the Japanese
collection at UMMA, the art museum on the U-M central campus, at 11 am.
We will set up a meeting point and hope to be able to coordinate rides and
pick up points.

After the museum we will re convene at 601 Lambkins Road, Saline, where we
will have a light lunch, with a Japanese theme. Car pooling will be

After lunch (around 1pm) we will start with several workshops, classes and
lectures, that will continue through the day and evening.

Classes and workshops include, but is not limited too:
Intro to Kumihimo: an 8 stranded braid
History of Kumihimo
How to construct a kosode
Heian lady's clothing
Heian literature
Court ladies in Heian Japan: Heian Gender Relationships
Heian 101
Having a Japanese Persona: How to "be" you persona
Heian Japanese poetry
Japanese calligraphy,
Japanese games,
Furioshiki (tying of carrying cloth)

There will also be a table with books and cool things.

Please let us know if you want to come, it will help us to plan the amount
of food needed.
Garb is encouraged for the workshop part, but unfortunately we are not
allowed to show up in garb at the museum, due to safety and security issues
with costumes/bulky clothing.

Arina de Traentorp
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