[Cynnabar] Source for medieval history books!

Ann Asplund via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Sat Mar 5 17:53:53 UTC 2016

Greetings to all!

I went and visited Mott and Bailey the other day, that is a second hand and
antique and rare book store next to the Coop and Dogma, down town Ann Arbor.

He has a lot of nice reference books and he has recently acquired the
history book collection from one of the professors that passed away at the

It is between 3 and 4 thousand books(!) and a lot of them is on language
history, because that was the professor's subject, but there is also a lot
of "pure" history books, a lot of translations of medieval texts, there is
etruscan, greek, a lot of latin and medieval greek language books, etc. And
much more. He has not been able to make a book list simply due to the sheer
number of books, but if you are interested in something specific, he can
check if he has it.

This staggering amount of books is kept in the stores basement, which is
open on Saturdays, the "normal" part of the store is open as usual during
the week. This is his webpage;
http://www.mottebooks.com/shop/motte/index.html for more information on
opening hours etc.

It might be well worth a visit. Or at least an interesting way to spend
some time :)

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