[Cynnabar] web site updates - lots of new stuff in the OP!

Aaron Elkiss via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Sat Mar 12 21:45:35 UTC 2016

Web site updates:

Order of Precedence:

- Your page in the Order of Precedence can have your device and its blazon
- see for example https://www.cynnabar.org/recipients/1

- The award list shows the device and blazon for many awards:

- All the people whose armory we have are displayed at
https://www.cynnabar.org/recipients/armory (Shoshana started gathering
these a while ago, this is an updated version of that.) (Check it out on
mobile too!)

- We can now add award texts. I'll be working on adding all the ones Kasha
& Ermenrich have done so far. As an example I had handy:
https://www.cynnabar.org/awardings/3 (to see this follow the 'details' link
from the list of awards/recipients - this is maybe a little unintuitive
especially on the 'person' page so I may change this up a bit)

- We can now add preferred titles and pronouns. Again see
https://www.cynnabar.org/recipients/1 for an example.

- If you want to add award texts, add or update your heraldry, or add a
preferred title or pronouns, just send it to precedence at cynnabar.org and
we'll get it updated. SVG/vector graphics for coats of arms are the best if
you have it, but I can work with anything you have.

Other updates:

- Connections to cynnabar.org now always use HTTPS for privacy and security.

- Calendars should look better on mobile - event summaries should wrap
better now. (There's still a problem where long links in the event
description can mess up the layout, but I think I can fix that.)

- The code for the site is now on GitHub!
Feel free to share with anyone looking for ideas on how to do an SCA web

Coming soon:

- Contact form to send email instead of lots of semi-messed-up email links.

- Let me know what else you want to see! I have a long list of features I
still plan to work on especially in the Order of Precedence, but let me
know what's important to you!
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