[Cynnabar] 2018 Baronial Survey

Carol Perry Lagemann via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Tue May 22 13:38:26 EDT 2018

The results are in!

Highlights from this year's survey:

   - Confirmed membership is 226, up from 197 last year.
   - 38% of people in the Barony do not have any Kingdom-level awards (so
   put in those award recommendations, please!).
   - The most popular persona culture is German, and the most popular
   persona time period is 14th century.
   - 77% of those who answered prefer to be contacted by email. (Note:
   People could choose multiple answers.)
   - 31% of Baronial members live outside Baronial borders.
   - The most-mentioned interest area is Clothing/Costuming, followed by
   Armored Combat, Music, Archery, and Cooking.

Baroness Kasha
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