[Cynnabar] "Closing of the Range" Sunday Nov.6 -- an event report

Elizabeth Calhoun via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Tue Nov 8 12:49:50 EST 2022

Unto the Barony of Cynnabar, its allies and friends near and far, do I
Forester Godhit extend greetings! I submit to you the following Thank You
for all your participation in our end-of-archery-season "enhanced practice
with festivities."

I want to thank the 20 people who attended! Sixteen archers came to the
line and participated in the various shoots scheduled.

I want to publicly commend Marshals Lady Caryn, Forester Yaacov, Forester Aeffe
Baron Padraig, Marshals-in-Training Lord Galen and Lord Ben), *all you
archers* who were patient with what we know is the "usual chaos" of an
archery event: schedule hiccups, lost arrows, and occasionally confusing
scoring logistics (I accept all responsibility). *Special Thanks* to
Padraig for the "chicken shoot" and here's hoping that Lady Em can put Mr.
Chicken back together!

To those of you who brought "snacky things" (the roll-up bites were
especially good) THANK YOU for provisioning the treat table!

To the Children of the Dragon, Lachlan and Martin: congratulations on
entering your first archery tournament! May your archery lives be long and
full of fun!

I want to thank again Mistress Giovanna for having encouraged us 11 years
ago to consider accepting the role of "archery practice coordinators." And
for Baron Tairedelbach and Mistress Hannah ... for all you've done over the
years of your reign, and as archers and friends, to keep this community in
good stead. Thank you all: upon your shoulders (ow!) do we Aeffe and Godhit

I am indebted to Their Excellencies Cynnabar for donating the "Grand"
prize, the book "The Medieval Archer" by Jim Bradbury -- won by MiT Ben for
highest cumulative points. I am very grateful to His Excellency Olafr for
sharing the occasion with us -- he had a very busy weekend! As the SCA and
our Kingdom open up event-wise, we are *all* doing a lot more traveling on
the weekends. I will convey all your Thanks to our Host Forester Dillon
(who will also receive this email via the Baronial list).

The temperatures are dropping ... I wish you all a good Grand Day of
Tournaments and Wassail -- and remember: the *best* way to keep those
fingers nimble for archery is Arts & Crafts! [image: 🙂]
See you in *April*! --DRACO INVICTUS! --Eliza (but Godhit still works)
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