[Cynnabar Dance] Terpsichore Thanks you!

Hannah Schreiber hannahschreiber at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 20 16:00:32 UTC 2011


We'd like to take a moment to again thank those that were involved with running 
Terpsichore for another fantastic year!

Thanks to everyone that helped run gate, setup on Friday and Saturday and all 
the cleaning up and hauling on Saturday. Thanks to tavern folks, Luvday and 
Ferndano, for another great stewy creation and those that helped in the kitchen 
cooking, cleaning and collecting money. Thanks to the many musicians that 
entertained us both evenings with their skill in both music and song!  And a 
very special thanks to AElfric for heading the event and being there late both 
nights so we could all enjoy the company.

Many of you know we were on a quest to learn about those that had traveled far 
distances to attend this event. There were many people there from Cleveland, 
Toronto, and Bloomington. But the furthest traveled folks we met were from 
outside of the Huston, Texas area this year...which is just an amazing distance 
to attend our event! When people ask what Our Barony is known for I'm proud to 
say that it's Terpsichore and that folks get on planes or drive 20 hours (yes, 
20 HOURS) in a car to attend.

Thanks ever so much for another spectacular year of fun and friends!
Hannah and Tairdelbach

 There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that 
reflects it. ~Edith Wharton

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