[Cynnabar] meeting minutes for 5/24/10

deforest piper darnpiper at yahoo.com
Fri May 28 20:23:47 EDT 2010

> As His Excellency has pointed out, he does not believe that we even 
> qualify as a student group at this time.  We have never understood why 
> we depend on the University when we get so little return.   Other groups that > do not have a University in there area grow and even prosper.  Maybe it is > time we stop depending on the University so much.  

To clear this up, we have the students necessary (at least that is what I understood if I am wrong please let me know). When we went through this last we had enough students between the fencing group and the singers to meet that requirement.

What we do not have, and what we need to be a real student group, is a constitution for the campus SCA group and student officers for this group.

When I was Seneschal I tried to get this taken care of. At that time it would have been relatively easy to do -- it still might be.

The reason that it didn't get taken care of then is that some people in the group were very, very, very, very, very much opposed to this happening. 

Which is silly since we get a huge amount from having a student group and a presence on campus. A huge amount!

Over the 30+ years of Cynnabar's association with the University we have gotten, what?, a hundred members (probably more) solely because of that association? Some have stayed a couple weeks some have stayed years, but they _all_ have contributed something towards making Cynnabar great.

Without a student group we wouldn't have a martial practice site for 7 months of the year. I am anxious to avoid being _that_ group that doesn't have martial practices.

Having a presence on campus also helps Cynnabar with our core goal. We can't force people to learn but by being on campus we have plenty of opportunities to let people know we exist and what we do. After all one of the possible first steps for an educational group is to let people know that the educational experience is available.

Also, Cynnabar is growing a lot more than most groups and most of that growth comes from activities that our association with campus allows us.

My view on the topic of moving meeting sites is that it probably doesn't matter. I think that there are core issues that no one wants to address and until these are dealt with nothing much will change. So it doesn't really matter. 

For me it would depend on whether it is a smoking restaurant or not. If it is, or even if I have to walk through a smoky area to get to where the meeting is then I would very rarely, if ever, attend a meeting.



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