[Cynnabar] Weekly meeting minutes for 10/18/11

Anne Stevenson elaine242 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 15:20:39 UTC 2011

Weekly meeting minutes for 10/18/11

- Baronial business meetings will be held at the Classic Cup Cafe until the
end of the year.
- A more in-depth conversation will happen regarding comp'ing people at
events - look for an email in the near future regarding this from Finn.
- Master Midair has a lot of extra nachos and wants people to share (will be
moved to old business)
- We have new Heirs to the Dragon Throne - THs Savaric and Juliana
- Saturday at the Saline Fairgrounds there will be a non-SCA fiber fair, for
those interested.

Event and Demo Reports:
Crown Tournament - see above
SCA Award Workshop - "Very informative"

Old Business:

Grand Tournament (Dec. 3rd) -
Some discussion regarding prizes and how to spend the prize money.
Galen suggested a possible regalia item, which could be handed off
each event year.  More discussion will be hand regarding this.
Heraldic competition - see additional email to the list.  Heraldry
which is not necessarily registered will be allowed to be entered.

Wassail (Dec 17th)
Ciara will be helping to run a "yard sale" at Wassail.
If you items to donate to this, please let her know.

Novice A&S Faire -
Now named: A Day as St. Catherine's Cloister
Will be held on Feb. 4th

Terpsichore (April 14th)
There will be an Iron Peep competition on Friday night.

St. Ceclia at the Tower
Nothing new to report

Local event resource book project -
Please send suggestions for the site information form to Mistress Claire.
This should be a great resource for the Barony!

Collegium workshops -
We have run three workshops and will now turn over
Sunday workshops to THL Arin (with some possible classes
in the future, as needed)

Gold Key -
Clean-up and clean-out will soon commence!

Nachos -
Master Midair is still trying to get rid of his nachos.

Phonebook -
Nothing new to report

Populace badge -
Their Excellencies have some information to give to Duchess AnneMarie

New Business

Workshop Ideas -
Do you have workshop ideas?  Things you would like to know about, learn,
Please contact THL Arin and let her know!

My apologies for any mistakes or needed corrections, or nachos.

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