[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes for the 01/28/13 meeting (Part 1)

Cynnabar Seneschal boc.seneschal at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 22:41:33 CST 2013

And back to the night before meeting minute schedule. J   As people tell me
they actually read these things, I decided to spread out the enjoyment by
breaking the meeting minutes into two parts. Here is part one, and because
we had so many good officer reports, there is a lot to include, so I'll make
all those a part 2! Something more to look forward too! (.and not at all due
to the fact I'm tired and don't feel like doing them right now. Nope. That's
not it at all.)





We had 19 caring and charismatic people in attendance.



Event and Demo Reports


Garb workshop/day - Good stuff!


Kelsey Museum - It was fantastic!



Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Terpsichore (April. 6th, 2013)  - No new news. Note: Pale deadline is
approaching (Feb 20th to get into the April Pale).


St. Cecilia at the Tower Event (May 18th, 2013) - No new news


Proposed event: Spring Revel (April 28th Sunday) - 3rd discussion of our 3
meeting discussion/approval process. No issues/concerns. Proposal passed to
spend $162 on site rental fees. 


Proposed event: Grand Tournament (Nov. 16th) - 3rd discussion of our 3
meeting discussion/approval process. No issues/concerns. Proposal passed to
support Cynnabar hosting Grand Tournament at the Liberty School in Saline,
MI. Full budget proposal for a separate approval discussion/process.


Grand Tournament Budget Proposal: 2nd discussion of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process. This will be to approve/support the full budget
is at $1930, this includes $1350 for site rental, $250 lunch tavern and
other items. Plan is to charge $10 site fee. Lunch tavern will be extra and
will go to defray the cost of the event. After discussion, it was determined
that the $250 lunch tavern will become a separate line item. This is to be
done for book keeping to keep in line with Kingdom policy as lunch taverns
are considered fund-raisers and not part of "normal" event budgets. Full
budget proposal then reduced by the $250. Since it was not an increase in
budget, we can continue the approval process. No other issues or questions.


Proposed event: 12th night 2014 (Jan. 4th, 2014) - 3rd discussion of our 3
meeting discussion/approval process. Proposal passed to support Cynnabar
hosting Pentamere Regional 12th Night at the Hidden Springs Church in
Howell, MI. The full financial budget will be discussed/approved as a
separate item. Of note, Shoshanna will be Event Steward with Giovanna acting
as her deputy/support.


Old Business


UoM Student group/recruiting - As this will be an ongoing effort, we will
keep this on our meeting discussion agenda for the foreseeable future.


Fixing loaner leg armor (placeholder only, not under active discussion) -
Remove from list as per Jason (Group Knight Marshal). 


New Business


-          A proposal was brought forth to, as the group of Cynnabar,
donate/become a member of the Kelsey Museum. The museum and people of the
museum have been gracious hosts on our visits and grant us wonderful access
to their works as well as sharing their knowledge. So a thought of
donating/buying a membership of $250 was suggested. Everyone at the meeting
thinks that this is a cool thing to do. The Seneschal will look into what it
would entail as a "group" (as opposed to an individual) to purchase a
sponsor level membership, or what other options there are. 




-          Forester Grey is offering to make bowstrings in baronial colors.
Lady Godaeth cannot say enough about what a huge support for this!

-          Cynnabar can now support combat archery. See Forester Grey if you
are interested.

-          Genoveva is going to Gulf Wars with Gregor. If anyone from
Cynnabar is going, please let her know.

-          His Excellency remind folks that award recommendation are needed
for Terp., the Fencer's dinner is on the 7th and the armored fighter retreat

-          Her Excellency is looking at doing scrolls for the scribal
challenge. See Her Excellency Hannah for details.

-          Axe throwing Wednesday evenings. See Forester Grey if you are






Officer Repots (normally done on 4th Tuesday of each month) 

Exchequer (Vincent) - 

Webminister (Aaron) -


Fencing Marshal (Galen) -

MoAS (Arin) -

Mo Youth (Ceara) - 

Chatelaine (Genoveva) -

Chronicler (Ermenrich) -


Herald (Simcha) - 


Knight Marshal (Jason) - 


Archery Marshal (Godaeth) - 


Seneschal (Finn) -


Baron and Baroness (Hanna and Tairdelbach) -


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