[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Agenda for 07/08/13 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal boc.seneschal at gmail.com
Sun Jul 7 18:59:43 CDT 2013

Agendas? We don't need no sinkin' agendas! (But they do help.)




Event and Demo Reports



Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Saline Celtic Festival (July. 13th) - 


Grand Tournament (Nov. 16th) -


12th night 2014 (Jan. 4th, 2014) - 


Old Business


Event proposal - St. Cecilia (May 10th, 2014 with possibly the Friday as
well as "practice" sessions) - This will be our 2nd meeting in our 3
meeting/discussion approval process. Cost would be $400 for Friday and
Saturday and gate would be a "suggested donation" of $8 with an expected
attendance of around 50 (as it has been around that amount for past 2 years)
would be break even. Lunch and/or dinner budgets will be done in a separate
discussion. This is for approval for the Barony to support the event/site
budget proposal. 


Budget proposal for buying materials to make towers - This will be our 2nd
meeting in our 3 meeting/discussion approval process. Gregor and Genoveva is
requesting $300 for materials in order to make a pair of towers for general
decorations and atmospheric purposes. The towers would be 7'-8' tall and
about 2' wide at the base and be collapsible (flat) and portable. They could
be used outdoors as well as indoors. 



UoM Student group/recruiting - As this will be an ongoing effort, we will
keep this on our meeting discussion agenda for the foreseeable future.



New Business






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