[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes for 07/08/13 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal boc.seneschal at gmail.com
Sun Jul 14 22:08:08 CDT 2013

Event and Demo Reports

Baronial Revel - Went well. About 50 people. Fighting, singing, music,
eating. Very nice. Arkael won the armored tourney (Hjorlief won but conceded
to Arkael who came in second as Hjorlief already one once this year). Galen
won the fencing.


Smurf Shoot - Nice traditional event. Pentamere region is safe from blue


Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Saline Celtic Festival (July. 13th) - Plans are going well. Might not have
thrown weapons as both Forester Grey and Forester Padraig is unable to make
it. Encouraging fold to attend to help out. Festival starts at 10:am


Grand Tournament (Nov. 16th) - No updates


12th night 2014 (Jan. 4th, 2014) - Created Facebook page events. Will do
write up for future reference on how to create proper Facebook event pages.


Old Business


Event proposal - St. Cecilia (May 10th, 2014 with possibly the Friday as
well as "practice" sessions) - This was our our 2nd meeting in our 3
meeting/discussion approval process. Cost would be $400 for Friday and
Saturday and gate would be a "suggested donation" of $8 with an expected
attendance of around 50 (as it has been around that amount for past 2 years)
would be break even. Lunch and/or dinner budgets will be done in a separate
discussion. This is for approval for the Barony to support the event/site
budget proposal.  No new questions or discussion. Everyone still good with


Budget proposal for buying materials to make towers - This was our 2nd
meeting in our 3 meeting/discussion approval process. Gregor and Genoveva is
requesting $300 for materials in order to make a pair of towers for general
decorations and atmospheric purposes. The towers would be 7'-8' tall and
about 2' wide at the base and be collapsible (flat) and portable. They could
be used outdoors as well as indoors. No new questions or discussion.
Everyone still good with proposal.


UoM Student group/recruiting - As this will be an ongoing effort, we will
keep this on our meeting discussion agenda for the foreseeable future.



New Business






-          Mac and Cheese is good. 

-          Simcha is writing up some training modules for heraldry to focus
on those who are wondering about heraldry but new to it. Designed to be
compressive to teach all aspects of heraldry.

-          Arin: Workshops focus on Baronial tokens for Pennsic

-          Pennsic is coming!

-          If need any archery repairs or gear, please see Forester Grey
and/or Forester Padraig. "We will serve the Barony" 

-          Ranthlfur is looking for suggestions on new shield edging for
aluminum blanks. (discussed after meeting offline)

-          Forester Grey has a "Calontir" sized aluminum blank shield if
anyone is interested. Please contact him for details.

-          The 4th Monday Baronial Business meeting (on 7/22) will be
cancled due to Pennsic. 

-          The 22nd will have a social night at Simcha and Tristan's.

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