[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes for 06/17/13 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal boc.seneschal at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 22:14:14 CDT 2013

This time of year is seeing things simmer nicely. We had a pleasant if even
short meeting. But I’m OK with that. I think everyone else was also. So
below is what we discussed.


(What’s that you say? No attempt at humor this week? Has he lost his
mind?.....Nope. Just tired.)




Event and Demo Reports


Baron Wars – Pretty nice (the mosquitos were horrific though). Cynnabar was
well represented. We (think) our side was not successful. 



Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Saline Celtic Festival (July. 13th) – The insurance is in the pipeline and
we’ll get it back in time. Should have a good group of people to assist with
the demo, but more help is always appreciated.


Grand Tournament (Nov. 16th) – Pale adds going in this week (for the
September issue). Revising/updating the website soon.


12th night 2014 (Jan. 4th, 2014) – The theme I something like “Be Something
You’re Not” in the vein of the period 12th night practice of The Beggar
King. Feast by Sgt. Renaude: Roman (well a period interpretation of a Roman
feast). Simcha needs someone to run the lunch tavern. Please e-mail her if
interested. Simcha would also like to contract with a (preferably) volunteer
photographer for the event. If you know any, please e-mail her.



Old Business


Baronial Exchequer position – We have two candidates that wish to hold the
Baronial Exchequer office. As part of our decision making process in the
Barony, we will go thru our 3-meeting discussion/approval process. The
difference being that at the end of this, since we have two candidates, we
will vote on which one the Barony wants as our next Exchequer. 


This was be the second of the three meeting process. We have:  Tristán
Bartolo de la Vega and Aaron Drummond who have both graciously offered to
become next Exchequer. As everyone at this meeting as there at the first
meeting, there were no additional questions or comments to add.


UoM Student group/recruiting – As this will be an ongoing effort, we will
keep this on our meeting discussion agenda for the foreseeable future.



New Business






Gregor has become a squire (to Duke Sir Dag)



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