[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes for 10/21/13 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal boc.seneschal at gmail.com
Sun Nov 10 21:58:21 EST 2013

Knock. Knock. 

Who's There?


Banana Who?



Below are the meeting minutes form a bit back.



Event and Demo Reports


Crown Tourney - Great. Amazing. Clean Fighting. Fun. Midair has earned new
name "Charles Cosell". Cameron and Amalie are our new Prince and Princess.


Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos



Ale to the Victors (Oct. 26th weekend) - This is the return of the "medieval
tailgate" event hosted by Northwoods with our beloved Cynnabar as their
competition. While we are not hosting, this is a big participation event by
us. So we will put this on our upcoming events list to encourage
participation by all! This is a fun event. 


Fencing Demo (Oct. 27th) - There will be a fencing demo on Sunday Oct 27th
from noon - 3:PM at the Ann Arbor District library. It is a focused fencing
only demo. 


Grand Day of Tournaments (Nov. 16th) - Planning on course. Planning meeting
last Wednesday. Site reconfirmed. Day schedule coming together. Their Royal
Majesties added three tourneys (a novice armored tourney, a novice fencing
tourney and a 6' spear tourney). And the website by Genoveva is awesome.


Wassail! (Dec. 14th) - We have a site?


12th night 2014 (Jan. 4th, 2014) - We are now Kingdom 12th Night as Their
Royal Majesties are coming. There may be up to a 50% increase in event
budget and feast budgets due to expected increase in turnout. Numbers to be
solidified soon. 


Terpsichore 20 (March 29th, 2014) - No new updates.


St. Cecilia (May 9th-10th, 2014) - No new updates.


Old Business


12th Night Site Tokens - This is a new budget line item request for spending
up to $50 for materials to make site tokens for 12th Night. The site tokens
will be cedar satchels with a  stamped designs on them. The $50 would be for
purchasing fabric and thread to make the satchels. The cedar is being
donated. This was our 3rd discussion of our 3 meeting discussion/approval
process. APPROVED!



Nicola's Gift Wrapping - We have decided to do the volunteering in-garb gift
wrapping at Nicola's again where any tips Cynnabar can keep as donations.
This has been lots of fun in the past and good exposure for Cynnabar and the
SCA. Feedback is that December weekends are busier than black Friday.
Therefore we have decided at volunteering for the weekend of Dec. 21st.
Members can take 2 or more hour blocks/shifts and help out. As this is not a
demo nor any money needed to approve, we are looking to lock down a weekend
this upcoming meeting. Times would be start from 10:am and end around


UoM Student group/recruiting - As this will be an ongoing effort, we will
keep this on our meeting discussion agenda for the foreseeable future.


New Business






Mistress Arin - Scribal arts to be at craft night.
























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