[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes11/24/14

Cynnabar Seneschal via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Mon Dec 8 04:05:57 UTC 2014

It's the minutes. With Officer reports too! (now don't you feel better?)





Event and Demo Reports


Royal University of the Midrealm - Both good and bad. Event hosted on a
major school campus. Parking was less than ideal. Not many classes but those
that were there were good. Our own lady Simcha will be dean of here college
(History and SCA Administration) next year. 


Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Nicola's Gift Wrapping (Sat. Dec. 13th and Sun. Dec. 21st) - Choir will be


Baronial Gift Exchange (Mon. Dec. 15th) - This is in place of our regular
business meeting. Any critical business items will still be discussed if
needed. Rules has been posted.


Wassail! (Sat. Dec. 20th) - Everything going good. Friday 7:PM help with
setup needed. Website is up. Schedule is out.


St. Cecilia at the Tower (April 17th - 19th, 2015 - $400) - Looking into
changing the date to avoid conflict with A&S 50 event in Roaring Wastes as
they have very limited date availability for their site and we are more


Spring Crown Tournament (May 23rd and 24th, 2015) - Packet submitted to
Crown. Now we wait till Kingdome 12th Night Curia meeting for answer. 


Old Business


Winterfest Registration (Tuesday Jan. 13th, 2015 4-7:30PM  - $25) - This is
to reserve a table for U of Michigan recruiting at their annual student
Winterfest fair. This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting discussion/approval
process. Confirmed we should have enough people to support his. No other
issues. APPROVED!


New officer for Minister of Youth position: Victoria - Ceara is intent on
stepping down as MoY at Wassail! Victoria is interested in stepping up. Lots
of good feedback from members. This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process. Candidate gave speech. No issues brought forth.


New Business


Event proposal: Terpsichore at the Tower (Mar. 7th, 2015) - Ceara brought
forth the Terp event budget proposal. There was some questions around the
$/budget as the initial proposal was not adding up number wise. There was
also an idea doing a "rolling day-board" instead of a traditional lunch
tavern. This is something that is done commonly in the East. There were many
questions on this as well. It was suggested the proposal be solidified more
and then brought back before the group. 


Group discussion


This is a new section as there were a couple of items that needed to be
discussed with the group, but no decisions were to be made (so not
"business" that needs group approval. 


UoM Student group president needed - has agreed to be the student president!





Victoria - If you have ideas on where you like to see the MoYouth office
going, please let Victoria know.


Martin - Says he has tasty fingers!


No business meeting on Dec. 22nd


Officer Reports (normally done on 4th Monday of each month)


Exchequer (Tristan) - YWHMANYCHA. WE are well stocked for the Yule season
with 6303 gallons of egg nog. That's about $12,353.86. There is still about
$500 left for GDoT outstanding.


Webminister (Aaron) - We have a website. Quarterly report submitted. Gave
new Baron and Baroness access to site to edit information. Looking to
improve mobile experience. 


Fencing Marshal (William) - No report. 


MoAS (Arina) - Still having workshops. New set coming. Choir happening on


Mo Youth (Ceara) - We have a new officer! We have lots of kids. Things are
going really well. Kids were everywhere at GDoT. 


Chatelaine (Genoveva) - Quarterly report is in. Things are going great! We
have new people. Looking for a replacement. If interested, please see


Chronicler (Gavriil) - Need articles for upcoming issues of the Citadel.
Next one schedule for Mid December just after Wassail! 


Herald (Johannes) - via e-mail: Report: Kingdom court at GDoT. Court
heraldry workshop next week. Please bring heraldry to ..... Wassail!


Knight Marshal (Gregor) - No practice on Nov. 9th (no rooms available). The
16th was low attendance. Four new loaner shields are being built. The new KM
handbook has been updated. Last practice of the year is Dec. 7th. 


Archery Marshal (Vacant) - 


Seneschal (Finn) - Quarterly report due at end of November. I have a couple
of people interested in becoming the next seneschal, but I'm going to be a
very hard act to follow due to overwhelming awesomeness. Did I mention the
zip code issue is resolved!?!?!!!!  No business meeting on Dec. 22nd 


Baron and Baroness (Kasha and Ermenrich) - Event on the 15th went well.
There will be court at Wassail! with fealty oaths being taken. Please end in
award recommendations. Dec. 1st workshop at herald night on Baronial courts.
The Roaring Wastes Baronial transition will be a Pentamere 12th Night.
Please think of contributing to gift baskets. Green and gold are their
baronial colors. W.A.S.A.B





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