[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes for 02/10/14 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal boc.seneschal at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 16:24:31 EST 2014

Last minute minutes from last week.


Event and Demo Reports


Pentamere  Academy of Defense - Good event. Cynnabar was well represented.


Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Terpsichore 20 (March 29th, 2014) - The Pale add was sent out late. Other
than that, everything else is going fine.


Spring Revel Event and Budget (April 27th, 2014) - The shelter rental has
been paid for. Their Excellencies will be putting out their normal invite
shortly. It will be a pot luck meal again like last year.


St. Cecilia (May 9th-10th, 2014) - The invitations for instructors have been
sent out.


Grand Day of Tournament (Nov. 15th, 2014) - Is now on the Midrealm calendar.


Old Business


Costume Shop donation ($100 for muslin) - This is the 2nd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process Every year we try to give back to the costume
shop where we are generously allowed to use for our grab workdays (run by
Mistress Melisant) by donating needed muslin for them to use. The suggestion
is to by 2-3 bolts (about 50 yards) of muslin and if there is any money left
over it will go buying distilled water for the irons. No issues or concerns


Saline Celtic Festival (July 11th and 12th) (demo support and $100 for
snacks and Gatorade) - This is the 2nd of our 3 meeting discussion/approval
process This is to support the annual event/demo at the Saline Celtic
Festival and spend up to $100 on snacks and Gatorade (the Festival provides
water). No issues or concerns



New Business






Forrester Grey - Starting discussion and looking for feedback to see if the
group would be interested in supporting the purchase of archery netting so
there could be more (and safer) archery opportunities, particularly demos
with the idea of allowing anyone (still signing a waiver) the chance to 'get
their feet wet' and at least try archery. The netting would be about $525
plus some more for easy setup hardware. It would be a capital investment but
the netting is very high quality and would last for years and years. If the
discussion continues to be positive, Forrester Grey will put together an
official proposal soon. 


Please send in award recommendations for Terp.


Please send in prize donations for Terp.


Gregor is holding a meeting on March 6th (Thursday) to see if anyone is
interested in  being part of a Cynnabar siege weapon crew (for a ballista).
If there is enough interested, he would be willing to help build(rebuild)
the Baronial ballista.


Genoveva as a survey out, please follow this link to participate.


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