[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes 04/28/14 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Mon May 12 00:51:30 UTC 2014


Event and Demo Reports


Spring Revel Event (April 27th, 2014) - Awesome! New armored and rapier
champions were chosen. Awards were given in court. Everyone had a good time.


Sir Straum went to a Tuchux event that he enjoyed.


It Takes a Child to Raze a Village - Awesome. Great day. Lots to do. Classes
were great. About 150 people showed up. Lots of good court and regional A&S.
Alexander can go to Kingdom A&S now. Genoveva is now Pentamere champion.


Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Penguicon Fencing Demo (May 4th) - No update. Should be set.


St. Cecilia (May 9th-10th, 2014) - Should be all set. Concert Friday night
at 8:PM (garb please). Program I set.


Saline Celtic Festival (July 11th and 12th) - No new news


Grand Day of Tournament (Nov. 15th, 2014) - We have contract to sign.



Old Business


Baronial Transition/polling required costs (up to $100) - This proposal is
for spending up to $100 for the Barony's responsibility for printing/mailing
costs during the Baronial Transition (polling) process. This is the 3rd of
our 3 meeting discussion/approval process. No new questions or concerns.


Chronicler's Office Supplies for holding back issues of Citadel (up to $50)
- This proposal is for spending up to $50 for the Chronicler's Office.  The
binders that hold the back issues of the Citadel are falling apart.
Likewise, most of the plastic page protectors are torn.  Would like to make
sure the physical copies are in new binders and page protectors to ensure
their longevity.  For this reason requesting up to $50.00 in funds to buy
four new three ring binders and up to 150 page protectors.  

 The 2" Heavy Duty 3-Ring binders cost $7.49 a piece and the 25 pack of
heavy duty page protectors are $2.99.  This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process. No new questions or concerns. APPROVED!


Lunch and Dinner Taverns for St. Cecilia event. The proposal is for a $400
request for purchasing food and goods for doing both the lunch and dinner
taverns. Break even for both lunch and dinner would be 33 people (for each).
Making lunch and dinner for 50 servings. Pricing would be $5 lunch and $7
dinner. With cost of the site fee, it would make an even $20 for site fee,
lunch and dinner combined. Proposed menu was provide at the meeting. This is
the 3rd discussion of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process. 

No new questions or concerns. APPROVED!


New Business





Finn - No meeting May 26th (Memorial Day)


Finn - Officer report night for May will be on the 19th


HE Tairdelbach  - Next Wednesday the 7th is Fix Your Stuff at Baron Jason's.
Please contact him with questions or if need directions.


Aaron - Instrumental practice Sunday 4-7PM. Any instruments, period or


Straum - Pre-reg for Pennsic please. Dates are May 25th by mail or June 15th
online. MUST pay to get land so please pay when pre-regging. Our group name
is "Cynnabar". Pennsic newcomer class soon.


Arin - Pennsic University book, last day is May 1st for Registration


Melee Practices start Wednesday the 14th at 7:PM.


Ale to the Victors - They are planning on still having the event the week
after Pennsic. Cynnabar will not be supporting the event as their "official
opponents", but you can still go and have fun.


Party at Sir Gregoire's place on Memorial Day as he will not be there!
(Hosting by Anne (I think))


Officer Reports (normally done on 4th Monday of each month)


Exchequer (Tristan) - YWHMANYCHA. Coffers are overflowing. We can buy 2.4
pounds of saffron. Which is about $12148.63 (still have about $1000 of
receipts due from 12th night tavern)

Webminister (Aaron) - We have a web site and we can have some. If you are
and officer and want to be able to edit your own page, just ask Aaron.

Fencing Marshal (William) - no report

MoAS (Arin) - Successful A&S report. Workshops continue. New person in
Barony that has a glass studio. In talks with them.

Mo Youth (Ceara) - We have kids and no you can't have any. There were 2 days
of kids stuff last weekend. Bubbles = good fun. She is submitting her resume
for regional, so if you are interested in replacing her as Baronial MoY,
please let her know.

Chatelaine (Genoveva) - Several newcomers, 4 people. Another newcomers
workshop the end of May-ish. More gold key has been donated.


Chronicler (Ermenrich) - Going well. June 8th for next Citadel. Submit by
June 1st for any topic (no theme) but is should be SCA related at least.


Herald (Johannes) - Helped with part of court at ITMCTRAV and at Spring
Revel. Herald's night next week.


Knight Marshal (Jason) - Looking for a replacement.


Archery Marshal (Godaeth) -  Stepping AWAY (not down) from the position for
a bit.

Seneschal (Finn) - Look for timing information on Baronial Transition coming


Baron and Baroness (Hannah and Tairdelbach) - Yes we are he Baron and
Baroness and so can you! They filed their report. Happy. We are still a



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