[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes 11/10/14

Cynnabar Seneschal via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Mon Nov 24 05:19:28 UTC 2014

Meeting minutes from 2 meetings ago. It's so old, it's like retro, wearing
parachute pants and Swatches!





Event and Demo Reports


Garb Workday - Good turnout and productive.



Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


A Grand Day of Tournaments (Sat. Nov. 15th) - Need help for takedown crew.
Everything else should be set.


Kerrytown Kindle Fest Demo (Fri. Dec. 5th) - We heard back and they did not
want us for a demo. :(


Nicola's Gift Wrapping (Sat. Dec. 13th and Sun. Dec. 21st) - This is to
support our annual gift wrapping in garb we do for Nicola's bookstore. Amyon
will start coordinating sign-up sheets towards the beginning of December.


Baronial Gift Exchange (Mon. Dec. 15th) - This is in place of our regular
business meeting. Any critical business items will still be discussed if
needed. Rules to be posted later. 


Wassail! (Sat. Dec. 20th) - Insurance is in. Contract with site is singed.
Stuff coming together. Look for post on activates soon. 


Old Business



New officer for Chronicler position: Gavriil Petrivich - Gavriil (Gavriil)
has volunteered to become the next Chronicler taking over from Ermenrich,
because apparently Ermenrich is a slacker and wants to loaf around for the
next five years. But Gavriil (Gavriil)  has a background in graphic design
and plans on improving the newsletter as well as putting out some special
editions as well. This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting discussion/approval
process. He looks forward to doing the job and has lots of ideas. Question:
How often do you plan to publish? Answer: Quarterly with additional special
issues. Note: Comic Sans makes his teeth itch. He is all for the Oxford
comma. APPROVED! 



New Event Proposal: St. Cecilia at the Tower (April 17th - 19th, 2015 -
$400) - Jadwiga and Aaron brought forward their music focused event
proposal. Site cost is $285 and $115 for fudge money for a total of $400.
Lunch/dinner taverns will be a separate proposal. There was a question
around dates as May 9th is Squire's Tourney up in Lansing. We would have to
ask for permission for a second event under 100 miles, but they are two
different focused events. So shift the dates to April 17-19. This is the 2nd
of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process. No other questions or



New Business


Winterfest Registration (Tuesday Jan. 13th, 2015 4-7:30PM  - $25) - We are
in support of the idea of the demo and spending $25, but are concerned if we
have the people to support it at the timeframe. The group decided to
continue to approve the funding and see if we have the people to support,
knowing we don't have to spend the money if we don't have the people, but it
is approved if we do.


New officer for Minister of Youth position: Victoria - Ceara is intent on
stepping down as MoY at Wassail! Victoria is interested in stepping up. She
has 6 kids of her own and is experienced in teaching and guiding kids. Ceara
gave list of past positions held mundanely. She is OK for getting background
check done. Has deputy lined up already. Victoria is looking forward to


Group discussion


This is a new section as there were a couple of items that needed to be
discussed with the group, but no decisions were to be made (so not
"business" that needs group approval. 


UoM Student group president needed - Still waiting on response from new
members. Kasha and Genoveva are following up.





Genoveva - In April of next year she will become the Pale editor. 


Mistress Claire - We have everything ready to put in the crown bid.


Ceara - Will be stepping up as Pentamere MoY this weekend.


Finn - Regular business meeting on Nov. 24th.






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