[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes 11/17/14

Cynnabar Seneschal via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Mon Nov 24 05:25:07 UTC 2014

Meeting minutes from last week. Not as cool as the retro minutes that
preceded this, but more part of the 'meh'.generation. :)






Event and Demo Reports


A Grand Day of Tournaments (Sat. Nov. 15th) - Please note first and foremost
that Lady Agnoletta dis much of the event steward work when starting this
event and should be commended for it. We had 284 people sign in at gate.
There were some hitches and things would have gone better if some would have
read the posted rules. Lunch tavern sales went well with 150 'meal deals'.
TRM complimented the food. The lists were a success and the list sizes
helped. The rapier is becoming a big draw as well. The craftsperson's fair
needed more space, but we only had 4 people pre-reserved but lots showed up.



Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos



Nicola's Gift Wrapping (Sat. Dec. 13th and Sun. Dec. 21st) - Pat/Aymon has
sign up list and it will be available online as well. Saturday the 13th is
from 10:AM to 8:PM for 2 hour shifts for 2 people. Sunday the 21st will be
from 10:AM to 6:PM with same 2 hour/2 people shifts. Other days are
available for those that want to but in extra time/fun!


Baronial Gift Exchange (Mon. Dec. 15th) - This is in place of our regular
business meeting. Any critical business items will still be discussed if
needed. Rules to be posted later. 


Wassail! (Sat. Dec. 20th) - Going well. Working on getting things together.


Spring Crown Tournament (May 23rd and 24th, 2015) - Put final touches on bid
being sent out today. Will wait till January to hear (after 12th Night


Old Business


New Event Proposal: St. Cecilia at the Tower (April 17th - 19th, 2015 -
$400) - Jadwiga and Aaron brought forward their music focused event
proposal. Site cost is $285 and $115 for fudge money for a total of $400.
This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process. No issues or
concerns. APPROVED!


Winterfest Registration (Tuesday Jan. 13th, 2015 4-7:30PM  - $25) - This is
to reserve a table for U of Michigan recruiting at their annual student
Winterfest fair. This is the 2nd of our 3 meeting discussion/approval
process. No issues.


New officer for Minister of Youth position: Victoria - Ceara is intent on
stepping down as MoY at Wassail! Victoria is interested in stepping up. Lots
of good feedback from members. This is the 2nd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process.



New Business




Group discussion


This is a new section as there were a couple of items that needed to be
discussed with the group, but no decisions were to be made (so not
"business" that needs group approval. 


UoM Student group president needed - More new students seem receptive. Birke
will try to follow up with them.





Finn - The long standing boarder/zip code dispute between Cynnabar and
Roaring Wastes has finally been resolved as of GDoT. All parties,
Seneschals, Barons and Baronesses from both Cynnabar and Roaring wastes was
able to come to an agreement that included Crown's approval. The short of it
is that of the 'disputed' zip codes, some will be Cynnabar's, some will be
Roaring Wastes, but the majority of the disputed zip codes will end up being
"shared". That is, SCA members that live in those zip codes can associate
themselves with either Cynnabar OR Roaring Wastes and will include proper
Baronial pollings. This 15+ year issue is now SETTLED with everyone walking
away from the meeting smiling and hugs all around. If anyone is interested
in more details, please see Finn.


His Excellency Ermenrich - The Dec 1st herald night will be a Baronial Court
101 workshop. 























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