[Cynnabar] Retainers and Guards for Grand Day of Tournaments

Hannah Schreiber via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Thu Oct 9 15:42:31 UTC 2014

Greetings good populace of the Barony of Cynnabar!
As you are aware Their Royal Majesties have agreed to do the Baronial Transition and enjoy are fantastic hospitality at Grand Day of Tournament on November 15th. In order to show them the great hospitality of the Barony and our joy of their attendance, we would solicit some time from the populace in the form of royalty room guard shifts or retaining. Each of these shifts are only one hour each. If you are able to help out with a shift, please email me your availability and your SCA and Modern name.
I am keeping a list at the following link:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SmWEFfco4BBR0oxWbq0p9XoLpg3UVBENsRkG7604Tc4/edit?usp=sharing
You will NOT be able to update that ------ but you should be able to see what's still available as things fill in. 
If you have any questions about what you need to do to perform the duties of guarding or retaining, please let me know! 
Thank you for your service to the Crown and the Barony!Baroness Hannah
 "To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind.”

-Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973); Writer, Nobel And Pulitzer Prize Winner
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