[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes 09/22/14 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Wed Sep 24 02:33:47 UTC 2014

What is this? The meeting minutes so early? The world may be coming to an
end! But due to a 5th Monday this month, we will not meet for another 3
weeks (next meeting on Oct. 13th).





Event and Demo Reports


Vikings Come Home - Wonderful. Lots of shooting. Also rapier and some
armored combat. Fantastic amazing feast. Weather was meh.



Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Mass Meeting Demo (Tues. Sept. 23rd) - Reminders sent out. 7:00 PM setup and
7:30 start. Should be done by 9:PM.


Closing of the Range III (Sun. Oct. 26th) - Everything on schedule. Same
show as last year but bigger, including armored and rapier.


A Grand Day of Tournaments (Sat. Nov. 15th) - Planning meeting Wednesday the
24th at the Saline District Library. Lunch tavern being developed. Having
youth armored combat. Grand prizes have been acquired. Please donate more
prizes, but bring them on the day of the event. We are where we need to be
for planning/timeframe right now.


Kerrytown Kindle Fest Demo (Fri. Dec. 5th) - Still waiting on application.


Nicola's Gift Wrapping (Sat. Dec. 13th and Sun. Dec. 21st) - This is to
support our annual gift wrapping in garb we do for Nicola's bookstore. Amyon
will start coordinating sign-up sheets towards the beginning of December.


Wassail! (Sat. Dec. 20th) - Nothing new.



Old Business


Budget item: New flooring for list fields ($500) - We need to replace the
flooring used for the list fields when we are indoors where we need to
protect the floor. Harbor Freight has a very good sale right now. The
proposal is to spend $500 and it should get us enough interlocking matts for
2 list fields. This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process.


Demo opportunity: Dixboro Farmers Market (Fri. Oct. 24th 3:30-7:PM) -
Genoveva brought this demo opportunity before the group to see if we want to
support this demo and if we have enough people to do so as well as it starts
in the middle of the normal workday. Genoveva reports that she has received
enough feedback from people able to help that there is enough to support the
demo. Daye will do day-of organization. This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process. APPROVED!


Budget item: Wassail! Additional funds needed for security deposit ($250) -
Need for an additional $250 for the Wassail! (WASSAIL!!!!) budget. The
reason is that the $250 deposit is not considered part of, or taken out of,
the general site fee. Therefore when the amount is due for the full site
fee, we need that was well as the $250 security deposit. Barring any
unlikely need for the site to keep any or all of the security deposit for
damages, we will be getting the $250 back after the event. This is the 3rd
of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process. APPROVED!


Budget item: Materials for printing Baronial  brochures and business cards
($60)  - Genoveva is requesting $60 to buy paper/stock to print more
business cards and brochures. This is the 2nd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process. No issues or concerns.



New Business


Proposed addition to the Cynnabar Financial Policy: 

2. ii. 3. Group officers or members of the Barony may occasionally request
minor expenditures (up to $50 or so) for carrying out the duties of their
office or for items that support Baronial activities. These minor budget
line item requests can be requested by the officer or member at a business
meeting and then approved or denied by the participants at that same

A lively discussion was had around this topic. Too much to include in the
write up. So if you are interested in having your voice heard, come to the
next 2 meetings! But in general, discussion around the benefits (and
drawbacks) of keeping some of the wording more vague and not as ridged
around the allowed frequency of requests and the dollar amount, with the
general consensus seeming to be that keeping it more vague gives the group
some flexibility in making decisions. Also discussed is if giving that
vagueness, will or can it lead to abuse? Again, consensus seemed to be that
the members at the meetings as well as the officers can be good stewards of
the group and make good decisions. This is the 1st of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process.


New Event Proposal: Spring Crown Tournament (May 23rd and 24th, 2015 -
$6000)  - Mistress Claire proposed we host next Spring Crown Tourney.
Liberty School in Saline. She is starting the proposal now in order to have
the bid in place by Crown Tourney. She has most of the event staff already
determined (she had a full proposal sheet that was handed out at the
meeting). The budget is for $6000 which covers 2 days' worth of site rental
and other miscellaneous items. Past attendance figures has the budget
breaking even or even making some. Low attendance could see us losing some
money, but it didn't seem that big a concern to the people at the meeting.
Please note, we need to split the profits, with Kingdom. So if we don't make
any profit, we don't split anything.  Overall people liked the idea of
hosting Crown. 1st of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process.





Forrester Grey - Putting in a Three Rivers archery order in soon. If you
need anything archery supplies, let him know.


HE Tairdelbach - End of the season wrap up for armored fighters. Wednesday
Oct. 1st. 6:30PM at Brewery Becker in Brighton.


Mistress Giovanna will become the new Kingdom Chatelaine in January! 


Finn - If you are interested in becoming the next Baronial Seneschal, please
see Finn.


Officer Reports (normally done on 4th Monday of each month)


Exchequer (Tristan) - Our total is $10,587.82.  This is AFTER paying
Renauld, so it's pretty accurate.  (This is the equivalent of 43,872 No 2

Webminister (Aaron) - No report


Fencing Marshal (William) - No report


MoAS (Arina) - We got blue! From the craft night dye experiments. Workshops
continue as well. 


Mo Youth (Ceara) - We have kids and some of you can have some. Activities at
the Summer Revel when well. There will be activities at Grand Day of
Tournaments as well. Ceara will be taking over as Pentamere Youth Officer at
GDoT. Looking for a replacement. If interested, let her know.


Chatelaine (Genoveva) - We have a nice handful of new people. Around 15 new
coming to various workshops and practices. Genoveva will become the new Pale
Editor soon! Looking for a replacement. If interested, let her know.


Chronicler (Ermenrich) - Citadel should be published Wednesday or Thursday.
Has a person possibly interested in the position of Chronicler. But
continuing to look for a replacement. If interested, let him know.


Herald (Johannes) - Report will be out shortly. Herald night next month on
the 6th.


Knight Marshal (Gregor) - Practices are lightly attended lately. We have a
new fighter. Practice switches to the Michigan Union the first Sunday in
October (the 5th). So this weekend (the 28th) is the last at Island Park for
the year. Their Excellencies note that there will be no monthly tourney this
weekend (due to many going to Coronation).


Archery Marshal (Godaeth) -  The range is getting mobbed! :)  Thanks to
Genoveva for getting new people out. Website is updated. Range will be
closed Sunday, Oct. 5th. Godaeth's 3 years as Group Archery Marshal is
almost up and she will be stepping down of group officer. If interested in
being next GAM, let her know. But please note: If there is no Archery
Marshal for Cynnabar, this does not mean there will not be opportunities to
shoot. The current Cynnabar Sponsored archery practice will stop. And the
weekly archery at Dillon's will then become a private practice, not
sponsored or support by Cynnabar. Also a note of clarification: If archery
is an "official SCA sponsored" practice, then the practice must have roster
waiver signed or blue cards shown by participants. This is due to archery is
considered a marshal activity and therefore waivers are required. This is a
clarification from the previous reading of "combat" practices.  This
clarification comes from the Kingdom Earl Marshal. 


Seneschal (Finn) - Quarterly report sent in. Looking for a replacement. If
interested, let him know.


Baron and Baroness (Hannah and Tairdelbach) - Looking for replacements too!
Turned in their report. Will have a Baronial court at Closing of the Range.
Send in Baronial Award Recommendations. Anticipating Kingdom court at GDoT,
send in Kingdom award recommendations! We are still a barony.





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