[Cynnabar] Saline Celtic Fest Thank You

Wendy Gouine via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Sun Jul 12 19:52:06 UTC 2015

Greetings and salutations unto the most excellent populace of Cynnabar, 

First of all, please pardon the length of this missive but I feel this cheerful news should be shared.

 It is with happy satisfaction that I, your trusty Chatelaine report our annual attendance at the Saline Celtic Festival was conducted with glorious weather and plentiful smiles. I tasted a delicious ice like confection made of cream and honey? So sweet! It was delightful.  This Italian specialty was laced throughout with ripe strawberries. It should be noted that whenever I expressed that my thirst was overpowering me? --- My lord husband and his cohort Lord Gavriel kept me supplied with delicious cinnamon spiked cider available from the nearby tavern! HUZZAH!

 I want to express my humble gratitude to Their Excellencies Baron Erhmenrich and his lady, the Beautiful and Wise Baroness Kasha. Though several difficult obstacles beset their journey they remained steadfast on the path; ultimately the steed pulling their wagon became horribly ill. Despite nearly having to put the beast out it's misery they were on site looking elegant and calm in plenty of time to process with their retinue during the opening ceremonies of this mighty festival. Baron Erhmenrich’s noble voice carried over the throngs of swarming children to teach them of our martial ways. He shared this duty with Lord Gavriel and I am confident that the youngsters came away with new dreams of glory. Both Rapier (Galen, Johannes, Louisa, and Will) and the Armored community (Irenfist, Master Midair, Sir Adler, Tairdlebach, Finn, Ionis, and Malachi) were well represented and honestly how could our fierce warriors not inspire the youth?

 Speaking of the local youngsters at this summer festival, they were well entertained in our shady space by the Minister of Youth. Victoria had several clever activities ready to keep their little hands occupied until it was their turn to shoot! Bubbles and beads, and especially the wooden tops which were fun for the kinder, and also for the grown up folks! These same families moved right on to archery.

 Lord Gray was an impressive force of nature. He and Louisa gave archery lessons to at least 150 people.  The staff (Eleanor, Bianca, Draco, Pete, Claire and Eadraerd, Lucia and Eidy) manned the archery sign in table processed many (75?) single adult waivers and I believe I heard a rough count of 75 child/family waivers (which often had 2-4 kidlets per page). Lady Ceara was a happy addition to the entire encampment but I think her efforts to keep the archery traffic pattern tidy and her clever idea to stamp hands of shooters so they could come and play multiple times deserves applause. Eadraeard and Eleanor deserve much praise for sorting arrows and sizing equipment to the individual shooters. They had the most sunshine and the most patience! I want to heartily congratulate Lord Gray on the rousing success of this aspect of our demo. It was a marvelous thing for which the entire barony should be proud.  As a barony we have gained much word fame because of Lord Gray’s efforts.

 Whilst your attention is still mine, let not the impressive skill of our artisans be unmentioned.  My heartfelt thanks for the dedication to the Arts and Sciences that Genoveva von Lubeck continues to demonstrate. Her 16th c German accessories display should give her great pride. It was a popular attraction all day, even if she could only be on site for a few hours. She and her Lord Husband Gregor are so helpful and for their consistent support and good humor I am grateful.  

Her Ladyship Kathrynn continues to inspire me. She was amazing this day as she quietly sat in residence and before our eyes created a basket most suitable for a lady’s daily needs. The shape she reproduced is much beloved by me for it’s practical use.  Her skill deserves much praise and I am honored to call her teacher. I truly look forward to spending time under her tutelage.  Martha brought her lace bobbins and entranced more than one passerby with her impressive skills. Josie embroidered a cunning little cap that I saw Ceara wearing at afternoon’s end. Cassandra demonstrated practical hand sewing as she worked on a rather large pile of mysterious white linen. Lady Alina and her daughter danced a bit and that made me smile. 

 It was my pleasure to work with His Excellency Captain Tairdlebach so that the ongoing relationship with this lovely event went as smoothly as a chilled strawberry custard on a warm summer day.

Please forgive me if I have inadvertently failed to thank anyone who attended this event but escaped my attention. 

Yours in Service,

Lady Daeg (called Daye)
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