[Cynnabar] Friday greetings, and a reminder about royal court tomorrow - April 25, 2020.

Malachy von Ulm via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Fri Apr 24 12:24:37 EDT 2020

Dearest Friends,

With the announcement that all Midrealm events are canceled through end of
June and that Pennsic itself has been canceled, we're all feeling a bit
blue.  Already confined to our siege, everything feels a bit more distant.

But as with the sieges of yore, life behind the walls goes on.  Thus, also,
do our activities continue.  Perhaps with a bit of a changed focus, but on
they go.

The last court of Their Royal Majesties, Seto and Ynes, will be this
Saturday evening at 6:30 PM Eastern time.  (Note the announcement is in
Central time.)  We encourage you to attend.

The facebook event for Their court is here:

The Cynnabar Peers gathered last evening for an "Ask the Cynnabar Peers
Round Table" discussion.  Thank you to Bantiarna Ceara for arranging it, and
to Sir Irenfest for doing an excellent job in moderating it.

And I'd like to seize onto a bit of the wisdom shared by His Grace, Dag,
during the round table: One of the greatest things about the SCA is that it
helps make better people.  Our varying activities fit very loosely under the
big tent of mediæval activities with the pillars of Arts and Science,
Service, and the Martial Disciplines.  But in each case they encourage the
individual to do a hard thing while partaking of fun and friendship: To
grow, and to persist at your efforts.

And most importantly, to support each other as we do so.

We look forwarding to seeing and hearing how we help each other grow.

- Malachy and Óláfr, Barons Cynnabar

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