[Cynnabar] BoC Meeting Minutes 10/20/14 meeting

Cynnabar Seneschal via Barony barony at cynnabar.org
Tue Oct 21 23:20:09 UTC 2014

These meeting minutes are not late. In fact, they are before their normal
time! That's because your Seneschal is an awesome Seneschal! 



Seneschal of many moons.



Event and Demo Reports


Crown Tournament - It was interesting. Daye gave good feedback on the event.
We have a new Prince and Princess!  


Archery practice - Great practice!


Armored/Rapier practice - More new people still showing up at practices.


Upcoming Baronial Events and Demos


Dixboro Farmers Market Demo (Fri. Oct. 24th, 3:30 to 7:30) - We have enough
people to support. Daye will coordinate day of. All systems go!


Closing of the Range III (Sun. Oct. 26th) - Range open at 10:AM.
Armored/rapier practices noon-ish (or when people get in armor). Setup day
on Saturday starting at 10:AM. Please bring something for the evening
pot-luck. Come have fun!


A Grand Day of Tournaments (Sat. Nov. 15th) - Had planning meeting Thursday.
Everything is on schedule. Please donate more prizes, but bring them on the
day of the event. 


Kerrytown Kindle Fest Demo (Fri. Dec. 5th) - We have an application!
However, the hosts are not used to people doing demos so they need to
discuss with the board of directors about us. We should have a decision
within a week..


Nicola's Gift Wrapping (Sat. Dec. 13th and Sun. Dec. 21st) - This is to
support our annual gift wrapping in garb we do for Nicola's bookstore. Amyon
will start coordinating sign-up sheets towards the beginning of December.


Wassail! (Sat. Dec. 20th) - Nothing new.


Old Business


Budget item: Materials for printing Baronial  brochures and business cards
($60)  - Genoveva is requesting $60 to buy paper/stock to print more
business cards and brochures. This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process. No issues or concerns. APPROVED!


Proposed addition to the Cynnabar Financial Policy: 

2. ii. 3. Group officers or members of the Barony may occasionally request
minor expenditures ($50) for carrying out the duties of their office or for
items that support Baronial activities. These minor budget line item
requests can be requested by the officer or member at a business meeting and
then approved or denied by the participants at that same meeting.  


More discussion happened and it was agreed that we should have a hard number
on the dollar limit to remove ambiguity from the process. As this was a more
restrictive definition, it was agreed that we did not need to restart the
3-meeting process. This is the 3rd of our 3 meeting discussion/approval
process. APPROVED!


New Event Proposal: Spring Crown Tournament (May 23rd and 24th, 2015 - $7000
)  - Mistress Claire proposed we host next Spring Crown Tourney. Liberty
School in Saline. She is starting the proposal now in order to have the bid
in place by Crown Tourney. The original budget is for $6000 which covers 2
days' worth of site rental and other miscellaneous items. It was agreed to
increase the event budget by another $1000 to cover feast and A&S Judges
lunches (traditionally provided for free). Bid will be due Nov. 22nd.
Decision on if we get the bid will be done at Kingdom 12th night Curia in
January. Overall people still liked the idea of hosting Crown. This is the
2nd of our 3 meeting discussion/approval process. It was noted that the
feast needs to show (at least on paper) that it's budget needs to break


GDoT Lunch Tavern proposal - AKA: Arina's Magical Lunch Tavern ($500)  -
Magical Mistress Arina is willing to run lunch tavern again. Planning for
150 people with a $4 meal deal. This is the 2nd of our 3 meeting
discussion/approval process. No issues or concerns.


New Business


New officer for Chronicler position: Gavriil Petrivich - Gavriil (Gavriil)
has volunteered to become the next Chronicler taking over from Ermenrich,
because apparently Ermenrich is a slacker and wants to loaf around for the
next five years. But Gavriil (Gavriil)  has a background in graphic design
and plans on improving the newsletter as well as putting out some special
editions as well. No issues or concerns were raised. This is the 1st  of our
3 meeting discussion/approval process.



Group discussion


This is a new section as there were a couple of items that needed to be
discussed with the group, but no decisions were to be made (so not
"business" that needs group approval. 


Getting a Square (a device/account that will allow us to take credit cards
for gate/lunch taverns) - Daye brought up the idea that Cynnabar look into
getting a Square account (the small devices that attach to smart phones that
can run credit/debit cards) so the Barony can take plastic at gate and/or
lunch tavern. The device is free but there is a 2.75% fee for each
transaction. So processing a $10 site fee will cost the Barony 27.5 cents.
Discussion happened. Most agreed while it might be a "nice to have" for the
Barony to offer, we were not sure if it would be worth the cost. Or were we
sure if it not offering this service really negatively impacts attendance.
Some people will reach out to other groups to see if they have done
something similar for their group and what the results were. No proposal,
just discussion right now.


UoM Student group president needed - Genoveva brought up we need to identify
and ask one of the students at UoM to become the new student group leader as
Birke leaving at the end of this year. After discussion, Giovanna and Kasha
will take the lead in talking with some of the new/active students.




Johannes - Next herald night will be dedicated to vocal heraldry for GDoT.
Need more field heralds for event.


Anne (for Gregoire) - New Knight Marshal Handbook is done. Will become
official once published/announced in Pale.


Arina - Next workshop will be project bags. Upcoming workshops include
girdle books.


Genoveva - Newcomers workshop on Sunday Nov. 2nd from noon to 1:PM. Focus on
how to behave in court. (It is recommended you don't follow Daye or Finn's


Finn - If you are interested in becoming the next Baronial Seneschal, please
see Finn.





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